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Mathematicians describe his results as__

Mathematicians describe his results as______________ and beautiful but they are much

Two leading law firms are to prepare ___

Two leading law firms are to prepare ________________ actions against tobacco compani

If these countries can successfully enfo

If these countries can successfully enforce this____________________ , the survival o

I think this is a very _________________

I think this is a very __________________ concern, and I appreciated their drawing ou

As a member of the nobility, his life ha

As a member of the nobility, his life had been one of wealth and____________________

They are usually regarded as spiritual v

They are usually regarded as spiritual victims of fast-paced jobs which _____________

Future generations will be left with a _

Future generations will be left with a __________________ of pollution and destructio

The new arrangements might _____________

The new arrangements might _______________ the slacker ones to be more engaged

I think there was deliberate concealment

I think there was deliberate concealment of ___________ documents

Exercise releases hormones that can impr

Exercise releases hormones that can improve mood and __________________ stress, which

_____________arts learning helps you bec

_____________arts learning helps you become a well-educated, well-rounded person- som

It is a word-by-word _______________ tra

It is a word-by-word _______________ translation of the Chinese greetings

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