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The proposed________________would mandat

The proposed________________would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%

Paparazi are aggressive photojournalists

Paparazi are aggressive photojournalists who __________________on the lives of the ri

Paparazi are aggressive photojournalists

Paparazi are aggressive photojournalists who __________________on the lives of the ri

It’s hard to recommend how to___________

It’s hard to recommend how to________________ at this time without knowing how much c

Luckily,Perkin’s scientific training and

Luckily,Perkin’s scientific training and nature prompted him to ____________the subst

I do _______________to their claim,which

I do _______________to their claim,which l find totally unsubstantiated

If they _______________or ignore the ini

If they _______________or ignore the initiative,the public will vote on it in Novembe

The___________fined the man and suspende

The___________fined the man and suspended his licence

As in many other fields,gender__________

As in many other fields,gender___________is widespread in the sciences

It took a while for his eyes to_________

It took a while for his eyes to_____________to the dimness

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