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He suggested that those responsible shou

He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against_______________

There was no need to_______________ hers

There was no need to_______________ herself over something so petty

Using emojis can add_____________and fee

Using emojis can add_____________and feeling,keeping intention clear

Her study is based on the _____________t

Her study is based on the _____________that language simplification is possible

It’s my great_____________to attend the

It’s my great_____________to attend the award ceremony today

He couldn’t_______________ why he had le

He couldn’t_______________ why he had let so much time pass without contacting her

The company has decided it must present

The company has decided it must present a more modern______________

The company has decided it must present

The company has decided it must present a more modern______________

The company has decided it must present

The company has decided it must present a more modern_______________

The new-media _____________attracts youn

The new-media _____________attracts young and creative people

In the late 1970s, the _________________

In the late 1970s, the ___________________mortality rate for the children of illitera

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