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It is sometimes easier to illustrate an

It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by _____________________ wit

We must investigate and study this quest

We must investigate and study this question right away and _________________ it corre

He could no longer distinguish between _

He could no longer distinguish between _______________ and reality

Under ______________________ pressure, G

Under ______________________ pressure, George Osborne favors rural new-build against

I want to major in _________________ bec

I want to major in _________________ because I have long wondered about the origin of

Computer ___________ is a science dealin

Computer ___________ is a science dealing with the tendency of development of the com

The ________________ of the movement was

The ________________ of the movement was a blend of fascism and ultraconservatism

Three large companies and seven small co

Three large companies and seven small companies currently _____________ a product wit

I’m a professional and I have to conduct

I’m a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional________________

There seems to be an insatiable ________

There seems to be an insatiable _______________ for more powerful computers

The proposed initiative would __________

The proposed initiative would _________________ a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%

I think that is the most vulgar and tast

I think that is the most vulgar and tasteless _________________ I have ever heard in

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