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The world is more ________________ than

The world is more ________________ than ever before-there are more and more readers,

The girls were given a well-rounded educ

The girls were given a well-rounded education in science,____________________ , langu

Her ________________ criticism focuses o

Her ________________ criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas

Conservation programs cannot function wi

Conservation programs cannot function without __________________ support

Rescue teams are using thermal imaging t

Rescue teams are using thermal imaging to _____________ survivors of the earthquake

Yu Yongding finds the ______________ of

Yu Yongding finds the ______________ of resources to be perhaps the most frustrating

If the experiment is successful, the new

If the experiment is successful, the new method will _________________ the existing “

As the basic ___________ of artistic act

As the basic ___________ of artistic activities, imagination constructs two kinds of

In dealing with a challenge on such a sc

In dealing with a challenge on such a scale it is no exaggeration to say, “United we

You can look for the book in the library

You can look for the book in the library_____________________

His ______________ speech called out a r

His ______________ speech called out a response in the heart of every man

The best solution is to send a light-hea

The best solution is to send a light-hearted _____________ to explain your awkwardnes

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