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Each country has its norms and cultural

Each country has its norms and cultural ____________that you should try to accommodat

Carl and Martin may___________ their gra

Carl and Martin may___________ their grandmother’s possessions when she dies

They may_____________ in the face of pol

They may_____________ in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision

Airlines’ flight service managers ensure

Airlines’ flight service managers ensure that flight attendants ___________________to

Most of the characters in the novel_____

Most of the characters in the novel_______________those common human frailties-ignora

Landslides and bad weather are continuin

Landslides and bad weather are continuing to____________________the arrival of relief

She took on the role as_________________

She took on the role as_________________ of a daytime TV show

We always assume that villagers in remot

We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and_________________

Many Europeans may view the U.S.as an ar

Many Europeans may view the U S as an arrogant superpower that has become ___________

She lost her_____________with a customer

She lost her_____________with a customer and shouted at him

If we continue to ignore the issue of gl

If we continue to ignore the issue of global warming,we will almost certainly suffer

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