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He asked for _________________ help from

He asked for _________________ help from the United States to dismantle the warheads

They expressed the hope that he would pu

They expressed the hope that he would pursue a _______________ and balanced policy fo

A _______________ earthquake struck the

A _______________ earthquake struck the northeastern United States early on Saturday

Being a ________________ person, he was

Being a ________________ person, he was content to play second fiddle to others

He was apparently much surprised at the

He was apparently much surprised at the news that the _____________ athlete beat the

He was apparently much surprised at the

He was apparently much surprised at the news that the _____________ athlete beat the

It is important to call customers to fin

It is important to call customers to find out how they are using our service so that

In spite of the depression, the price of

In spite of the depression, the price of _______________ is still high

Intoxication interferes with ___________

Intoxication interferes with _____________ and thinking, speech and coordination

Most ______________ countries have alrea

Most ______________ countries have already legislated against excessive overtime

People have to ______________ about 600

People have to ______________ about 600 characters before they can do even basic read

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