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The main reasons for city dwellers to __

The main reasons for city dwellers to _______________on a daily basis is not just for

If you have been thinking about buying__

If you have been thinking about buying_____________funds,now could be the time to tak

The world art market had already been lo

The world art market had already been losing ______________for a while after rising b

The report was redrafted to ____________

The report was redrafted to ______________gender-specific language

Experts have long recognized that this d

Experts have long recognized that this discouraging problem has_______________causes

In the mass production era,_____________

In the mass production era,________________firms tended to centralize their operation

The break-down of law and order could re

The break-down of law and order could result in killing on a _________________scale

Data recorders also pinpoint____________

Data recorders also pinpoint________________ faults rapidly,reducing repair times

Japan is often quoted as the prime examp

Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial_______________

He has been away from his_____________ P

He has been away from his_____________ Poland for three years

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