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I am _______________ about the developme

I am _______________ about the development of education in our country

Many suffered from a definable alcohol,

Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental______________

Supporters believe that teachers should

Supporters believe that teachers should ______________ a variety of activities to exc

She even had plastic _____________ to ch

She even had plastic _____________ to change the shape of her nose

He squinted his eyes as though he were s

He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an object on the______________

He squinted his eyes as though he were s

He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an object on the______________

The mountaineers found it hard to ______

The mountaineers found it hard to ______________ themselves in the fog

Their ____________ is uncertain, but arc

Their ____________ is uncertain, but archaeologists hypothesize that they were Canaan

The theory of evolution did not ________

The theory of evolution did not _____________ with Darwin

It is impossible to predict what the eve

It is impossible to predict what the eventual ______________ will be

The experience completely changed his __

The experience completely changed his ______________ on life

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