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Obama is only the most ____________ publ

Obama is only the most ____________ public figure to declare inequality Public Enemy

The Russian foreign ____________ yesterd

The Russian foreign ____________ yesterday canceled his visit to Washington

They would like the college ____________

They would like the college _____________ to exert more control over the fraternity

It would be dishonest to _____________ p

It would be dishonest to _____________ people and not to present the data as fairly a

The man immediately responsible for this

The man immediately responsible for this __________________ is the province’s governo

The driver declared guilty may be fined

The driver declared guilty may be fined a _____________ of HK $25, 000

Some parents would _____________ their c

Some parents would _____________ their children’s dreams as worthless and force them

No computer can _____________ the comple

No computer can _____________ the complex functions of the human brain

The successful ______________ marked the

The successful ______________ marked the crowning moment for the space programme

She was reluctant to ______________ she

She was reluctant to ______________ she was wrong

Their commitments do not _______________

Their commitments do not _______________ them to immerse themselves in current affair

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