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We should minimize the use of private ca

We should minimize the use of private cars, which _______________ a large amount of

Perhaps the prime reason is that drug ad

Perhaps the prime reason is that drug addicts may ____________ crimes when they are i

The telecommunication service is a gover

The telecommunication service is a government_________________

Later, dragon became the symbol of power

Later, dragon became the symbol of power and_______________

With better education, people will be ab

With better education, people will be able to build a better society in______________

It is now possible to hold a video confe

It is now possible to hold a video conference in real time on a______________phone

Today, China is the world’s largest_____

Today, China is the world’s largest_____________ producer, with more than double the

Steam became the_______________ force of

Steam became the_______________ force of the Industrial Revolution as coal and iron o

Some people argue that examinations do n

Some people argue that examinations do not _______________a student to seek more kno

The manager is expected to use his or he

The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to______________the artist’

The decision was based on ______________

The decision was based on ______________rather than rational thought

This part of the assembly process is now

This part of the assembly process is now fully_______________

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