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We must promote originality, inspire cre

We must promote originality, inspire creativity and encourage___________

The annual dinner is a chance to _______

The annual dinner is a chance to _______________ acquaintance with old friends

It is not clear whether the president is

It is not clear whether the president is willing to ______________ with the Democrats

He was an upright and _______________ ma

He was an upright and _______________ man who was always willing to help in any way h

All the talk had been about the limitati

All the talk had been about the limitation of _______________weapons

The accident happened on a ____________

The accident happened on a ______________black spot on the A43

Yesterday saw the resignation of the chi

Yesterday saw the resignation of the chief financial_____________

There was never an _______________ insti

There was never an _______________ institution of censorship in Albania

Students have the ______________ of stud

Students have the ______________ of studying abroad in their second year

The party must ______________ more inclu

The party must ______________ more inclusive strategies and a broader vision

The world will be different, and we will

The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ______________ to the

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