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We wanted to soften the light without de

We wanted to soften the light without destroying the ______________ effect of space

Companies are so busy analysing the fina

Companies are so busy analysing the financial implications that they ______________ t

English courts often choose to _________

English courts often choose to _________ clauses in prenuptial agreements, especially

The response contains language errors or

The response contains language errors or expressions that largely _________ connectio

I decided to ______________a few things

I decided to ______________a few things and take the kids to my Mum’s

“Still, economic downturns seem to be hi

“Still, economic downturns seem to be hitting children in poor countries the hardest,

Social life in a village cannot ________

Social life in a village cannot _____________with that of a huge city

“But if a woman is____________ to a man,

“But if a woman is____________ to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he mus

The report is critical of the___________

The report is critical of the_____________ & x27;s waste of resources

When I said that,I was not thinking of a

When I said that,I was not thinking of anyone in _____________

Her head is out of________________ to th

Her head is out of________________ to the size of her body

______________from the bank tax,the gene

______________from the bank tax,the general discussion of the world economy will focu

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