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Peacekeeping, by its_____________ , make

Peacekeeping, by its_____________ , makes pre-planning difficult

If you get lost without a phone or a com

If you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you literally can’t find north, a f

The money was donated by a local busines

The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain_________________

A knowledge of_______________ is fundame

A knowledge of_______________ is fundamental to any understanding of this problem

He just seemed like a ______________mili

He just seemed like a ______________military guy who liked guns

The timetable for trains is so tight tha

The timetable for trains is so tight that if one is a bit late, the domino effect is_

Please ________________this basketball g

Please ________________this basketball game will take place this Sunday

The _______________ that art should be c

The _______________ that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him

The _______________ that art should be c

The _______________ that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him

It was Susan who brought the problem to

It was Susan who brought the problem to my_______________

We are pleased to _________________ that

We are pleased to _________________ that all five candidates were successful

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