Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension
Part A
Text 4
36. The Chesapeake Bay is described in Paragraph 1 as .
A. a valuable natural environment.
B. a controversial conservation area.
C. a place with commercial potential.
D. a headache for nearby communities.
【36】A. a valuable natural environment 解析: 该题为细节题,问,切萨皮克湾在第一段中被描述为什么,文中提到:浅滩为鸟类、鱼类、哺乳动物和蠕虫等数百种物种提供家园,同时储存洪水,过滤水中污染物,保护附近社区免受潜在破坏性风暴潮的影响("protecting nearby communities from potentially destructive storm surges.")所以切萨皮克湾是一个宝贵的自然环境。
37. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Idaho case .
A. reinforces water pollution control.
B. weakens the EPA’s regulatory power.
C. will end conflicts among local residents.
D. may face opposition from mining operators.
【37】B. weakens the EPA’s regulatory power 解析: 该题为细节题,问,美国最高法院对爱达荷州一案的裁决,文中提到:这个案件的判决使美国环境保护署监管湿地和水道的权力大大减(" a ruling in an Idaho case that provides the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency far less authority to regulate wetlands and waterways")所以这个案件的判决削弱了EPA的监管权。
38. How does the author feel about the future of the Chesapeake Bay?
A. Worried.
B. Puzzled.
C. Relieved.
D. Encouraged.
【38】A. Worried 解析: 该题为态度题,问,作者对切萨皮克湾的未来有何看法,文中提到:好消息是有许多州的法律提供湿地保护,但这是一种非常短视的观点,特别是当涉及到切萨皮克湾时("the good news is that there are many state laws in place that provide wetlands protections. But that's a very shortsighted view, particularly when it comes to the Chesapeake Bay")所以作者对于切萨皮克湾的未来持有担忧的态度。
39. What can be inferred about the EPA’s involvement in the Chesapeake Bay Program?
A. It has restored the balance among neighboring jurisdictions.
B. It has triggered a radial reform in commercial fishers.
C. It has set a fine example of respecting state authorities.
D. It has ensured the coordination of protection efforts.
【39】D. It has ensured the coordination of protection efforts 解析: 该题为细节题,问,关于环保署参与切萨皮克湾计划,我们可以推断出什么,文中提到:因此,我们呼吁乔·拜登总统和国会根据《清洁水法》恢复环境保护局急需的权力,保护国家的湿地——同时保护我们的供水、水生物种、娱乐场所和防洪设施的安全("And so we would call on President Joe Biden and Congress to restore this much-needed EPA authority under the Clean Water Act and protect the nation's wetlands – and with them the safety of our water supply, aquatic species and recreational spaces as well as flood protections")所以确保了保护工作的协调。
40. The author holds that the state lawmakers should .
A. be cautious about the influence of land owners.
B. attach due importance to wetlands protections.
C. recognize the need to expand wildlife refuges.
D. improve the well-being of endangered species.
【40】B. attach due importance to wetlands protections 解析: 该题为细节题,问,作者认为,州立法者应该,文中提到:因此,因此,我们也呼吁从里士满到奥尔巴尼的州议员考虑审查他们自己的湿地保护,并亲眼看到其中涉及的巨大利益("so we would also call on state lawmakers from Richmond to Albany to consider reviewing their own wetlands protections and see for themselves the enormous stakes involved")所以要重视湿地的保护。
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