I. Term translation (1x30=30)
Please translate the following English terms into Chinese.
1. cash on delivery
2. fair competition
4. intangible asset
5. bilateral cooperation
6. Semantic Translation
7. planetary exploration mission
8. intellectual property rights
9. the Book of Rites
10. five-character quatrain
11. degradable plastic bag
12. pilot free trade zones
13. national titles of honor
14. digital currency
15. city cluster
Please translate the following Chinese terms into English.
1. 文化自信
2. 最高法院
3. 全球发展倡议
4. 人口老龄化
5. 贸易逆差
6. 空袭
7. 国务院
8. 平台经济
9. 乡村振兴
10. 落地签
11. 全球供应链
12. 碳中和
13. 生态补偿
14. 信息安全
15. 天坛
II. Passage translation (60x2=120)
Please translate the following 2 passages. If the source passage is in English, please translate it into Chinese. If the source passage is in Chinese, please translate it into English.
Passage 1
THE NARRATIVE goes as follows. America is suffering from a nationwide teacher shortage. Teachers have been leaving the profession for years, but recent stresses from the pandemic and the culture war have caused the entire profession to hit a tipping point. Educators are leaving in droves. School leaders are using desperate measures to recruit. Some districts are offering five-figure bonuses. Florida is allowing military veterans without the usually required qualification of a bachelor’s degree to teach while taking college classes. Some rural schools are even resorting to four-day school weeks.
As in previous years, the shortage is largely confined to certain areas and subjects. Yet recently it has been perceived as a national problem. America faces a “catastrophic” teacher shortage, according to the Washington Post; schools “across the US” are facing shortages, declared a Fox News banner; it’s “like dog-eat-dog” when scrambling to hire teachers, claimed a headline in the Wall Street Journal.
The shortage narrative is politically expedient for education activists on both sides. Democrats, whose supporters favour spending more on public schools than Republicans, point to massive teaching shortages as proof that public schools are underfunded. But conservatives use the nationwide narrative for their own purposes, too. They point to the supposed shortage as proof that the entire state-school system is failing. They push for lowering teaching-certification standards and removing teachers’ unions. And they say privatisation provides an answer.
In truth, the schools that are struggling to hire teachers are the usual suspects. Nationwide, public schools are doing quite well: most pupils will have a teacher, and overall family satisfaction with their child’s school will probably stay high this year as in past years. The problems remain where the problems tend to exist—in the underfunded schools serving the most disadvantaged pupils.
Passage 2
【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。