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When the police exhume the corpse they d

When the police exhume the corpse they discover ______________ of poison in it

In many countries young people still kee

In many countries young people still keep up the ______________that women wil get mar

He’s a ______________ male, as he gets o

He’s a ______________ male, as he gets older he becomes more juvenile

Love songs ______________ us into believ

Love songs ______________ us into believing in knights in shining armor

Some of the members had been ___________

Some of the members had been ______________ to get the secretary dismissed

So don’t be _____________ to ask more pe

So don’t be _____________ to ask more personal questions

Millions of bees have died in South Caro

Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect-spraying operations

Idleness is not just a vacation, an indu

Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a _________________;It is as indisp

Wireless demand and ________________ hav

Wireless demand and ________________ have exploded across the width and breadth of La

Armed with the new machine, a search par

Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried _

Today’s slightly shorter race could well

Today’s slightly shorter race could well help to ____________ the scales in his favou

That was confirmed in the early 1990s by

That was confirmed in the early 1990s by the American Magellan orbiter which used rad

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