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That was confirmed in the early 1990s by

That was confirmed in the early 1990s by the American Magellan orbiter which used rad

It is the Queen who has preserved the mo

It is the Queen who has preserved the monarchy’s reputation with her rather _________

Her presence lent an air of respectabili

Her presence lent an air of respectability to the ______________

_______________ and feasibility of estab

_______________ and feasibility of establishing accounting information market have be

Unfortunately, I am confined to this the

Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the _______________ of my experience

The news may be unexpected; ____________

The news may be unexpected; _____________ ,it is true

Exercising makes you ______________ and

Exercising makes you ______________ and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for

The company began by specializing in rad

The company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to _______________ in

He ______________ his energies or emotio

He ______________ his energies or emotions into thinking over this issue, in order to

The new industrial relations legislation

The new industrial relations legislation _________________ the power of the unions

A newly unearthed bronze statue is _____

A newly unearthed bronze statue is ______________ in the centre of the hall

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