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The announcement had a dramatic ________

The announcement had a dramatic ______________on house prices

Good customer relations require courtesy

Good customer relations require courtesy, professionalism and ____________response

This is currently the most _____________

This is currently the most ________________way to transmit certain types of data like

Not only do tears keep your eyes lubrica

Not only do tears keep your eyes lubricated, but they also contain a substance that k

About 93 percent of U. S. residents are_

About 93 percent of U S residents are_______________ to measles either because they

That makes them a____________ target for

That makes them a____________ target for mobile advertising

Stress is often a _____________in the de

Stress is often a _____________in the development of long-term sickness

We should learn to grasp communication s

We should learn to grasp communication skills for they can____________mutual understa

However, hearing such stories is not____

However, hearing such stories is not________________ for younger children to form end

It was the first commercially available

It was the first commercially available machine to employ ________________intelligenc

This biography sometimes crosses the bor

This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and________________

The most striking_________________ of th

The most striking_________________ of those statistics is the high proportion of suic

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