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The economy is forecast to _____________

The economy is forecast to ______________ by around 8% this year

In the name of human nature, for example

In the name of human nature, for example, Aristotle and most thinkers up to the eight

They gathered up from various __________

They gathered up from various _____________ a great amount of firsthand data

Suddenly the box ______________ open and

Suddenly the box ______________ open and a puppy jumped out

Doctors are worried about the possible _

Doctors are worried about the possible ______________ of the disease

There was ______________ criticism of th

There was ______________ criticism of the government’s handling of the disaster

The orange looks dry, but you may be abl

The orange looks dry, but you may be able to ______________ out a few drops

lt is a __________________ but it’s a st

lt is a __________________ but it’s a statistically robust one and nobody lines up to

He has failed to work out a coherent ___

He has failed to work out a coherent _______________ for modernizing the service

From now on, l will learn to ___________

From now on, l will learn to _____________ a balance between work and life

Congress had agreed to reconsider its st

Congress had agreed to reconsider its stance on the armed _______________

It is possible to _________________ exec

It is possible to _________________ executable program files to e-mail

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