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He is acutely conscious that this ______

He is acutely conscious that this ______________ will bring with it the risk of socia

Women tend to ______________ their succe

Women tend to ______________ their success to external causes such as luck

On the social level, improvement in the

On the social level, improvement in the quality of life can ______________ greatly to

Clothes and blankets have been _________

Clothes and blankets have been _____________ among the refugees

A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed

A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her ______________ feelings

This local newspaper doesn’t pay much at

This local newspaper doesn’t pay much attention to ___________________ affairs

I suggested to him that we should ______

I suggested to him that we should _____________ the problem another way

The _____________ of global warming will

The _____________ of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its ene

The harassment had become too much to __

The harassment had become too much to _______________ and he decided to move out

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