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Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard t

Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to______________

They counted on foreign investment to __

They counted on foreign investment to _______________ their economy

If your actions _____________ others to

If your actions _____________ others to dream more,learn more,do more and become more

Firstly,they all seem to understand each

Firstly,they all seem to understand each other well and________________ to create reg

The truth is that we can _______________

The truth is that we can _________________ in a global economy because our workers ar

Bingham made__________________ attempts

Bingham made__________________ attempts to prove this belief for nearly 40 years

The ______________ on setting an example

The ______________ on setting an example is particularly necessary at present

You can ________________ these parameter

You can ________________ these parameters with conditions to filter the matching valu

In the 1970s, the government tried to __

In the 1970s, the government tried to ______________ corruption

The government has set ______________ li

The government has set ______________ limits on public spending this year

These clothes _____________ your freedom

These clothes _____________ your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body

Their superior military _______________

Their superior military _______________ gives them a huge advantage

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