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When the article arrived, the editor rea

When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to _____

Companies’_____________ are no doubt of

Companies’_____________ are no doubt of greater importance than ever before amid con

The postponement was due to a __________

The postponement was due to a ________________ over where the talks should be held

This is an expression ________________ t

This is an expression ________________ to people from Guangdong

There is also the _______________ to dev

There is also the _______________ to develop telecommuting and other more flexible wo

They went to the cave in _____________ o

They went to the cave in _____________ of hidden treasure

He was the mastermind behind the plan to

He was the mastermind behind the plan to ______________ the explosives

Two major areas in which mentally retard

Two major areas in which mentally retarded children ______________ help are memory an

Yet its failure to take _______________

Yet its failure to take _______________ action does not mean it has remained complete

The number of reported crimes is increas

The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming_______________

Your choice was perfectly ______________

Your choice was perfectly ______________ under the circumstances

Colleagues today _______________ with hu

Colleagues today _______________ with humor how meetings would crawl into the early m

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