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Several withered trees on the sides of t

Several withered trees on the sides of the road ______________ the desolation here

We are having difficulties in __________

We are having difficulties in ______________ well-qualified staff

By 1982 they had become _______________

By 1982 they had become _______________ to extend new loans to public borrowers

Mr. Ying is one of those happy people wh

Mr Ying is one of those happy people who ________________ pleasure from helping othe

Holding copyright provides the only lega

Holding copyright provides the only legal ________________ against unauthorized copyi

Please keep in mind that it is never too

Please keep in mind that it is never too late to realize that you made a mistake, as

The study also demonstrated a __________

The study also demonstrated a _____________ link between obesity and mortality

Measures to increase ventilation will __

Measures to increase ventilation will _______________ the problem

Individuality is a valued and inherent p

Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British__________________

The need to communicate is a key _______

The need to communicate is a key ___________________of human society

Therefore, China should formulate and pe

Therefore, China should formulate and perfect relevant laws to________________ its de

You still need to eat healthily and take

You still need to eat healthily and take__________________ exercise

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