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He says that more openness in science co

He says that more openness in science could help to discourage what some__________as

Prisoners were allowed no personal posse

Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions___________ letters and photographs

They can trace their lineage back to the

They can trace their lineage back to the 18th__________

His lawyers are confident that the judge

His lawyers are confident that the judges will declare Mr Stevens____________

Large profits on the new product will gi

Large profits on the new product will give competitors a strong___________to quickly

Nowadays, all the place in the high-spee

Nowadays, all the place in the high-speed development has their own staple industry t

Established in 1859, the garden is an in

Established in 1859, the garden is an internationally recognized_________ for botanic

Just__________ on the important ideas sh

Just__________ on the important ideas she’s talked about in the class, and ignore the

A resident of his neighbourhood had let

A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to___________ the revolution

In addition, children feel validated in

In addition, children feel validated in their choice of a product when a___________ e

Those beliefs still prevail among_______

Those beliefs still prevail among__________ social groups

You could get into a situation where you

You could get into a situation where you have to___________ immediately

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