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Ranchers are testing electronic tags on

Ranchers are testing electronic tags on animals’ears to_____________ a national cattl

Your___________talents can also be put t

Your___________talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy

These figures show an_____________ of ov

These figures show an_____________ of over one million in unemployment

These figures show an_____________ of ov

These figures show an_____________ of over one million in unemployment

The world is becoming ____________interd

The world is becoming ____________interdependent

You may be eligible for a discretionary_

You may be eligible for a discretionary_____________ for your university course

The massacre was a____________ against h

The massacre was a____________ against humanity

The massacre was a____________ against h

The massacre was a____________ against humanity

Not all problems arising from social ___

Not all problems arising from social _______________can be addressed through communic

We’re not trying to assign blame or ____

We’re not trying to assign blame or ___________ anyone or call anyone consciously sex

Moreover, another___________ notes that

Moreover, another___________ notes that the Spanish and English traditions of Cuban-A

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