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The research project has only been under

The research project has only been under way for three months, so it’s too early to _

The cheque is not ______________ if it w

The cheque is not ______________ if it were not signed by the finance director

Is there a French word that is the exact

Is there a French word that is the exact ______________ of the English word home’?

Cheap goods are _______________ but not

Cheap goods are _______________ but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand

Law offers us our best hope of overcomin

Law offers us our best hope of overcoming the differences that _____________ in the w

The Government of Iran ______________ th

The Government of Iran ______________ the price of petroleum last week

They are deliberately flouting the law i

They are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an ______________ over thei

The National Day and the International L

The National Day and the International Labour Day are great ____________ in China

He ________________ constructed a busine

He ________________ constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore

After the war, a ________________ was se

After the war, a ________________ was set up to frame a constitution

The Government is doing nothing to _____

The Government is doing nothing to ______________ in the crisis

We were _______________ by heavy smog fr

We were _______________ by heavy smog from seeing anything

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