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But CT screening for lung cancer is not

But CT screening for lung cancer is not widely used around the world, because it’s ex

History and_______________have conspired

History and_______________have conspired to bring the country to a moment of decision

Cosmology,______________and biology have

Cosmology,______________and biology have provided a consistent, unified, and constant

The eyes behind the lenses were dark and

The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a_____

The country is currently obsessed with__

The country is currently obsessed with______________ prognostications about its futur

Diamonds have always been the representa

Diamonds have always been the representation of precious, __________________,rare and

George’s ___________was higher than usua

George’s ___________was higher than usual and he might have cheated, but his teacher

The slowdown was worse than economists e

The slowdown was worse than economists expected but is likely to be viewed by the Fed

Such leaks can________________ performan

Such leaks can________________ performance and eventually cause a program to crash

There’s less pressure on the airlines to

There’s less pressure on the airlines to _______________the interior, unless it’s a s

He eventually_____________ from clerical

He eventually_____________ from clerical work to his present role

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