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The makers of the product ______________

The makers of the product _______________ us that there had been no sacrifice of qual

The representatives were wise to _______

The representatives were wise to _________________ caution about miliary intervention

The victory __________________ him to di

The victory __________________ him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt

She drew a sharp _________________ betwe

She drew a sharp _________________ between domestic and international politics

The course teaches you the theory but th

The course teaches you the theory but there’s no ______________ for practical experie

He has ________________ his reputation o

He has ________________ his reputation on the outcome

They are _____________ about how much wi

They are _____________ about how much will be accomplished by legislation

A generation of people who have ________

A generation of people who have _____________ influences from many cultures

The ______________ onset and slow progre

The ______________ onset and slow progression of symptoms usually result in delayed d

Japan is often _______________ as the pr

Japan is often _______________ as the prime example of a modern industrial nation

The issue of ______________ is a red lin

The issue of ______________ is a red line that cannot be crossed

The government has ______________ to cle

The government has ______________ to clean up industrial emissions

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