hypothesis [haiˈpɔθisis] (pl. hypotheses [hai'pɔθisi:z]) n. 假说,假设;前提
hypothetical ['haipəu'θetikəl] adj. 假设的;爱猜想的
hypocrisy [hiˈpɔkrisi]n. n. 伪善;虚伪
hypocritical [hipəˈkritik] a. 虚伪的;伪善的
Down – 向下
slowdown ['sləudaun] n. 减速;怠工;降低速度
breakdown [ˈbreikdaun] n. 崩溃;衰竭;(关系、计划或讨论等的)中
downside ['daunsaid] n. 负面,缺点;下降趋势;底侧 adj.底侧的
downgrade [ˈdaungreid] vt. 使降级;小看 n.退步;下坡 adj.下坡的 adv.下坡地
download ['daunləud] vt. 下载
downsize ['daun'saiz] v. 以较小尺寸设计;缩小尺寸;裁减人数
downscale ['daunskeil] v.缩减规模
downshifting ['daunʃiftiŋ] n. 转换低速;降低速度
category [ˈkætigəri] n. 种类;部属;类目;范畴;类型
1.5 向里
inborn [ˌinˈbɔ:n] a.天生的;先天
infection [inˈfekʃən] n. 感染;传染;影响;传染病
infect [ɪnˈfekt] vt. 传染;感染;影响(思想等)
infectious [ɪnˈfekʃəs] a. 传染的,传染性的;有感染力的
disinfect [ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt]
v. 除去,给……消毒
inherent [inˈhiərənt] a. 固有的;内在的;天生的
insightful ['insaitfəl] a. 富有洞察力的
insight ['insait] n. 洞察力;见识
sightseer ['saitˌsi:ə] n.观光者;游客
sightseeing [ˈsaitˌsi:iŋ] n. 观光;游览
short-sighted adj. 目光短浅的;近视的
eyesight [ˈaisait]n. 视力;目力
inherit [in'herit] vt. 继承( 金钱等);经遗传而得(性格、特征)
inheritor [ɪnˈherɪtə(r)] n. 继承人;后继者
inheritance [inˈheritəns]n. 继承;遗传;遗产
1.The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name.
2. While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category.(2008-T1)