专 业: 英语笔译
科目名称: 英语翻译基础 (357)
I. Answer the question in no more than 100 English words (20 points).
Understanding and expressing in translation is an interactive process. Please comment on this statement.
II. Translate the following into Chinese/English (30 points. One point each for 1-9. Two points each for 10-12).
A. English to Chinese:
5.Real Estate Investment Trust
2.Meiji Restoration
4.Video on Demand
6.Quantitative Easing
7.institutional economics 8.diminishing marginal utility 9.Electronic Toll Collection 10.Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.
11.A poem should not mean. But be. 12.She fully enjoyed cakes and ale.
B. Chinese to English:
8.非处方 (药)
III. Translation. (50 points*2=100 points)
E-commerce is big business. More than 1.3 billion people now buy goods and services online, and enterprises are increasingly sourcing through digital means – an opportunity representing $25 trillion in annual sales.
Most of these sales happen in domestic markets, where large e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, Rakuten, and Taobao hold significant shares. Getting onto these marketplaces is not always easy for foreign enterprises, however, because they cannot satisfy the commercial rules or compliance obligations.
Multinationals have long recognized the benefits of having branches in foreign markets, wherever possible adopting legal structures that allow them to trade as local operators. A subsidiary, once incorporated locally, can operate in a customs union with full market access and many of the advantages of local enterprises. It can pay import duties and taxes, and include these costs in local operations. A subsidiary can also enter into business contracts in the same manner as its local counterparts and benefit from deals that are often only available to other local enterprises.
In the age of e-commerce, many small enterprises see going international as a priority. Having local representation is important to making this happen. Before the digital age, these advantages could only be found by hiring international lawyers and setting up expensive structures to manage the international business. The growth of digital services mean many business registration requirements can be met online, independently or through service providers, greatly simplifying the process and lowering its costs.
This can be a route for small enterprises from developing countries to enter new markets. But it may mean more than gaining access to site listings and payment solutions – it can also open up the potential to work with other service vendors such as marketing agencies, logistics enterprises and tax advisers.
The International Trade Centre (ITC) helps micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries access global e-commerce through training and coaching that shows them how to tackle the barriers that prevent them from trading online. ITC’s ecomConnect work helps these enterprises build their capability to select and prepare products, manage inventory, enter online marketplaces and organize promotional activities. Small enterprises increasingly understand the potential of e-commerce, and many remain frustrated by restrictions that block them from participating.
一百年前,中国共产党的先驱们创建了中国共产党,形成了坚持真理、坚守理想, 践行初心、担当使命, 不怕牺牲、英勇斗争, 对党忠诚、不负人民的伟大建党精神, 这 是中国共产党的精神之源。一百年来,中国共产党弘扬伟大建党精神, 在长期奋斗中构 建起中国共产党人的精神谱系,锤炼出鲜明的政治品格。历史川流不息,精神代代相传。 我们要继续弘扬光荣传统、赓续红色血脉,永远把伟大建党精神继承下去、发扬光大!
新的征程上, 我们必须高举和平、发展、合作、共赢旗帜, 奉行独立自主的和平外 交政策,坚持走和平发展道路, 推动建设新型国际关系, 推动构建人类命运共同体, 推 动共建“一带一路”高质量发展, 以中国的新发展为世界提供新机遇。中国共产党将继续 同一切爱好和平的国家和人民一道, 弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人 类共同价值, 坚持合作、不搞对抗, 坚持开放、不搞封闭, 坚持互利共赢、不搞零和博 弈,反对霸权主义和强权政治,推动历史车轮向着光明的目标前进!
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