段2:①These two academics use an array of behavioral research to show that the most rewarding ways to spend money can be counterintuitive. ②Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions of fancy cars and extravagant homes. ③Yet satisfaction with these material purchases wears off fairly quickly. ④What was once exciting and new becomes old-hat; regret creeps in. ⑤It is far better to spend money on experiences, say Ms Dunn and Mr Norton, like interesting trips, unique meals or even going to the cinema. ⑥These purchases often become more valuable with time—as stories or memories—particularly if they involve feeling more connected to others.
21. According to Dunn and Norton, which of the following is the most rewarding purchase?
[A] A big house.
[B] A special tour.
[C] A stylish car.
[D] A rich meal.
A : material purchases
B : interesting trips
C : feeling more connected to others
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