段4:①The Flatiron School, where people pay to learn programming, started as one of the many coding bootcamps that’s become popular for adults looking for a career change. ②The high-schoolers get the same curriculum, but “we try to gear lessons toward things they’re interested in,” said Victoria Friedman, an instructor. ③For instance, one of the apps the students are developing suggests movies based on your mood.
22. In delivering lessons for high-schoolers, Flatiron has considered their .
[A] experience
[B] interest
[C] career prospects
[D] academic backgrounds
A : 段4句①
B : 段4句②
C : 段4句③
查看答案和解析【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。